GalileoSky Galileo Port 10604

GalileoSky Galileo GPS Tracker is very well supported by Tegnotech GPS.
Run this device on in 6$ for 12 months.
Change the IP address of your device to and Port as suggested. To configure these settings you need to send a SMS Command to the Sim card installed in the device from your own mobile number and device will make connection to Server and will update data in every 10 Seconds. (Please refer Device’s user manual for IP Address & Port command)
You also Need a User Account on our Tracking Platform to View added devices on laptop, desktop or Mobile Application.
How to make a User account and add device on Server
If you Still face any problem please contact us Via Whatsapp on +91-8285896533 or Email and we will try to help you free of cost.
After Trial period if you find our services worthy than you can pay otherwise thank you very much for your time.